My October Favourites!
With leaves giving out a crunchy sound everytime I walk out of the door and tread on them, it has become very clear that Autumn is in full bloom and we are making our way into November (way too) quickly. Therefore, I present to you a few things I've been loving throughout the month of October, which literally felt like less than a week.
Note that there is a very special, seperate favourite at the end, so make sure you scroll all the way down!
both from Primark
First of all, every A/W essential accessory - hats. I hate spending loads of money on such trivial, practical pieces, but we all need them so this purchase was neccessary. I am very happy with my choices though - I picked up a thick deep burgundy beanie, as well as a woolen ribbed fisherman's hat in grey. Neutral colours were a key thing for me, as I hate when my hat doesn't match the rest of my outfit - and with these, for 2 quid each, which are also surprisingly good quality, I will not have that issue. Run and grab them guys, before the big freeze hits!
I've been sporting the 'no-makeup' makeup look lately, which gets me out of the house a lot quicker in the morning, but I still manage to look slightly less dead - this little guy has been a massive help on this front.
It makes my skin feel and look moisturised and radiant throughout the day, without leaving it dull and dehydrated after a whole day in the library. It blends into my skin beautifully and does not require a brush, which is great, as I don't think I've washed mine in about a 100 years *gross*.
It is a bit more pricey that your average drugstore BB, but with Body Shop you really get what you pay for - I definitely recommend!
Glasses - Zara
Espresso cup - Italian market
Now, these are a bit random, I admit, but I thought I should celebrate the moment when I am finally not afraid to wear those wicked glasses in public anymore. I already styled them on the blog here, but would never add them to any on my everyday looks, as I felt like it was too much.
I recently took the plunge though, and styled them with some black trousers and a stripey top - and it looked brilliantly effortless ever after!
Don't be afraid to experiment, and most of all - what others might think of you. These have been all over Instagram for a reason - they are COOL and should not be sitting on shelf, but your nose. Period.
This cute espresso cup has been reminding me of summers spent in Italy and endless flea markets I visited, but the autumnal patterns and colours have kept me grounded in this life I (sadly) need to lead now.
If you love it too, I recommend looking in local charity shops for things like that - loads of stuff that would normally appear in UO and Anthropologie for more than your monthly pay, you can have for less than a pound!
Finally, these notebooks I got from our Freshers' Fair as part of the Ohh Deer promotion, and considering I've loved their stationery for a long time, I snatched both with a huge grin on my face. The paper is good quality, and the covers - if you know me, you'll understand how marble-obsessed I am, and 'nope' just says it all, life and uni wise.
If you are into modern designs, cute patterns, funny graphics or elegant simplicity, or like me, just like looking at pretty stationary (hello, fellow freak!), check out the link to Ohh Deer's website above - you shall not regret it.
And NOW, onto my most precious, special, unique (yes, I am very excited indeed), absolute favourite of this month - this gorgeous silky blouse designed by one of my favourite bloggers Tara from
I am one of those people, who never ever win competitions, giveaway or raffles, so when I found out Tara was designing a top with the company Mode and giving it to her subscribers for FREE (nearly free, as shipping costs came up to about £3- still a bargain for such a unique piece though!), I tried to get over the fact that I would not be the 1/100 who could receive and wear it.
Years of learning how to cope with this 'never win' curse did not go to waste and I quickly forgot about the whole thing, UNTIL I woke up really early one morning and saw that the tops have just been made available.
After missing breakfast due to the hastiest application download and registration I have ever carried out in my life, I managed to grab the very last top before they sold out completely.
For once being an early bird actually paid off, and my worm came in the post just in time for Leicester Fashion Week, where I sported it with some black skinnies and a fur gilet.
I feel honoured to own something created by such a talented fashion blogger and designer, and knowing that most likely no one else in Leicester has one of these makes me feel super special.
It might look a bit nightwear-ish and not too versatile, but it can easily be dressed up or down and is a timeless addition to both my everyday and going out wardrobe.
If you are wondering how it looks on, here's a video of Tara styling it in three different ways :)
What have you been loving in the month of October? Let me know!
Warm hugs,
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