A random Q&A - Liebster Award
Hello again!
This is a bit of an unusual post for me, as it is completely spontaneous and not planned ahead.
A few days ago I received a nomination for the 'Liebster Award' from my lovely blogger friend and a shoe fanatic - Ewa (from the amazing fashion blog TheOddShoes, make sure you stop by!).
The award is there to help other bloggers get recognised and show them your support by nominating, so I am very honoured and grateful to have been encumbered with a mission to push Liebster Award forward and make other bloggers aware of its existence.
Without further ado, here's the set of questions I received and my answers, enjoy!
1. One weird fact about yourself
The weirdest I could think off the top of my head - I am terrified of raw chicken, I always cut it before it's cooked to see if it still has pink bits in it. Freak.
2. What do you do on one of those days, when the whole world seems to be against you?
I brew a bucket of tea, munch on digestives and watch Netflix. Wait, I do that on regular days too, damn it!
3. Your favourite chocolate
When being a fatty - Milka or Cadbury Oreo, when being good - Lindt dark chocolate with chilli or salt sprinkles, mmmm.
4. Where do you get inspiration from?
The streets, Youtube, Tumblr… Inspiration is all around us (just like love, or Christmas).
5. One pair of shoes you could never part with
My slippers. Without them I feel like I am walking on ice and there are no cute, fluffy penguins around me.
6. An owl or an early bird?
It depends if I have a reason to wake up for. Lately I cannot think of any ;)
7. A book you can read over an over again
Harry Potter is a seperate category, so I have to say 'The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole' - perfect when you need a pick-me-up, just be careful not to pee your pants!
8. What film would you like to star in?
'Harry Potter' is the one and only answer here. Maybe something directed by Tarantino as well.
9. What does your blog mean to you?
It's a platform where I can give vent to my creativity and not really care whether anyone reads it or not. But do read it, please ;)
10. Your strong side
I can swear in a foreign language….? That's really bad, let's try again. Sometimes people can't recognise my nationality by my accent. That's better.
11. What would you tell your 15-year-old self?
A broken heart can mend and there are worst things that can happen to you than maths ;)
I hope you liked this random Q&A, now it's the time to nominate other bloggers!
For the Liebster Award I officially nominate:
Joanna from The only tasty breakfast is at Tiffany's
Erin from Missloopylouful
Judita from the Smell of Peony
Here are some questions for you girls:
1. Describe yourself using 3 words
2. Your man crush ;)
3. What is the most perfect breakfast ever?
4. One item from your wardrobe that you simply can't live without
5. What would you do with a million dollars?
6. Why do you blog?
7. How do you spend Autumn evenings when you are alone?
8. What makeup product do you swear by?
9. Which celebrity would you like to switch lives with for one day?
10. If you could live anywhere on the planet, where would that be?
11. The essential A/W accessory! :)
I can't wait to read your answers and again a big thank you to Ewa for nominating me !
Hugs and kisses,
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