(Food) Week in Photos No.3

1. My first purchase after arriving in the UK- thanks to Adrian Mole for introducing me to Kipling's magic goodness.
2. I can't stop eating- these buttery angels fly directly into my mouth every 5 seconds.
3. An important moment in the history of my life- trying Ben&Jerry's for the FIRST time!
4. I still cannot believe I received a 50 pound Amazon voucher for telling people that I enjoy living in halls- I love England!
5. Sugary, lonely evening- tea and white chocolate gooey cookies are my only friends.
6. My favourite view in Leicester so far- passing this every day makes me happier:)
7. Just starting the third part- my life will be very miserable soon.
8. Chased them down in Spar supermarket- it's like childhood all over again.
9. Guess which film is that, haha! 
10. Shazzer is my biatch- I really don't want it to end yet!
11. First DMU Harry Potter society meeting- excited :D
12. Saturday in PJ bottoms- the world outside is cruel and it's finally raining, the rumours were true!

As you can tell, I am a total foodie- need to sign up for the gym ASAP, otherwise this won't end well.

Have a great weekend!


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