Sunday Handbook: 10 Uni Freshers Survival Tips!

1. Drink responsibly!

As you probably already now, drinking problems do occur amongst students. Don't pass out
on the street, it's not cool.

2. Take regular showers.

It does not need explanation. Just do it, even if you don't feel like it- for the sake of your teachers, friends and roomates, if you have them.

3. Don't eat (too) much crap.

You probably won't have too much money for food, but try to eat as healthy as you can- there are
too many students in this world that come back for Christmas break and are not being recognised by their own parents. If you can fit some working out into your everyday routine, that's great!

4. Get your hands on a cosy blanket and some warm clothes.

Being ill when everyone else is out there partying or missing lectures is not fun. Put layers on yourself
in order to not freeze your ass off and get the infamous Freshers' Flu.

5. Start learning, the sooner the better.

Yes, you have to pass your first year and it probably does require a bit of effort. Just do it in advance, you'll have more time for yourself:)

6. Join societies and be socially active.

Believe it or not, but social activity does add a nice sparkle to your resume. You get to learn new things and meet amazing people- give it a try!

7.Search for a part-time job.

Having some money of your own, that you've actually earned, is the best feeling in the world.
You also might want to think about supporting your parents a little bit, they probably already pay a lot for your education. And, if your CV is just as blank as mine, it's always nice to have some work experience for the future.

8.Write a diary.

Being at university is supposed to be the sickest and simply the best time of your life- you'll have fun reading all about it in your thirites. Also, it helps with loneliness and homesickness- your diary is always there to listen.

9.Don't spend all your money at once- set a budget!

Shops, restaurants, bars and parties might be very tempting but be careful, as money just tends to runaway from students in the speed of light. Set a weekly budget- that way you'll know how much money you can spend on entertainment and whatever the hell you want:)

10. Be Happy!

If you're sad or homesick- just talk to someone, they're probably going through the same problems. 
And if it doesn't help, simply smile and sing a song- the biggest adventure of your life is about to begin:D

Hello to first year students! This post looks a bit like something my mother would write but trust me, from following these steps you can only benefit- I'm trying them out myself! If you are just starting uni- good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor !

Big kisses,


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