Open'er style diary: day 3

Where does this craziness come from?

Shawl- s-h
Palazzos- s-h
Crop top- H&M
Backpack- s-h
Boots- H&M
Headpiece- s-h
Bodychain- DIY
Two-metal chain- crafts store

Hello fellows! 
Here is the worst blogger in the world, remember me? I went on a vacation and left my blog full of pests, weed (not that kind of weed) and sad nothingness. But I am back now, ready to plough and get back on track.
 I very happy to continue my Open'er style diary which I will probably finish after I retire. Hopefully this particular outfit will make it up to you as it is the freakiest and most carefully planned and..well, the one I am truly proud of. The trousers were a last-minute buy and are super huge (I tied them with a bobbin in the back) but when I saw the print, I couldn't resist. The whole outfit was a bit out of my comfort zone and out of Open'er zone too actually. It reminds me of jungle, tropics and obviously my beloved Macademian Girl, who inspired me with all the craziness that she wears daily. This is not something I would necessarily go to a grocery store in, but it was great wearing there and feeling extra sassy and chic. And a bit like a nutter of course- after all, we're all mad here! 



  1. Anonymous21:24:00

    Omg!!! :3 Love it totally! So bombastic-palomastic [lame as Tamara in awkward]
    and love your lookbook --->

    I just can't stop loving you babe! <333


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